8 Webflow collections in a content hub for workpath




4 months

Kick-Off bis Launch



> 10 Mio. €

Aktuelle Finanzierung

About workpath and the challenges with Webflow

Anyone who can count customers such as Bosch, Metro, e-on or Scout24 among their own must be doing something right. Workpath makes outcome management easy for enterprise customers. With OKRs and beyond, corporate strategies become transparent and collaborative processes that enable organizations to work together and adapt quickly. In addition to its own software, Workpath offers guides, e-books, training courses and a huge content pool on the subject of OKRs and corporate goals.

This was exactly where the crux of the joint collaboration lay. Due to the size of the website and the content and sub-pages created in part by various employees, the website left much to be desired in terms of performance and reach. In detail, the Workpath team faced the following challenges:

  • Lack of scalability of the website due to a nested structure
  • Animations and confusing code slow down performance
  • A non-existent CSS naming system makes the code complicated
  • Tied internal resources hinder website maintenance
  • low page speed due to lack of best practices
  • complicated maintenance of new and old content
  • expandable SEO performance
  • inadequate conversion rate
  • outdated design and CI

Workpath was therefore faced with the dichotomy of providing internal resources for the website, which were urgently needed elsewhere for growth and marketing.

Custom code solutions and dynamic filtering

A complete relaunch was unthinkable at the time, so the existing structure had to be rethought and rebuilt from within. In close collaboration with Oliver, the internal Search Experience Manager, new designs were created for existing or completely new subpages, the Client-First CSS Naming System was introduced for the first sub-pages and the entire content area was turned to the left. By eliminating hundreds of classes and animations and strictly following SEO and page speed best practices, the core web vitality of many sub-pages could be massively increased.

The core of collaboration: The new workpath Content Hub. An overview page on which all (really all) content pieces of Workpath should be displayed in a single overview. In addition, users should be able to search, filter and break down the overview at will so that all website visitors can find exactly the content they are looking for.

Dynamic Filtering
Client-First CSS
Custom Code

The result: 8 collection lists combined in a filterable content hub

The Content Hub is impressive. 8 collection lists, which are combined with each other via complicated connections and the Finsweet Attributes Library, custom filter options and a comprehensive search that searches all content. In the further course of the collaboration, blog pages were revised and equipped with automatic tables of contents, Academy and e-learning pages were optimized for performance, and the Navbar was transferred to a new design and equipped with new animations and smart links.

Always against the backdrop of core web vitality and without influencing ongoing day-to-day business through restructuring measures, the new workpath website is being created step by step and page by page.

Live Website anschauen
Websites werden weiterentwickelt. Es kann also sein, dass die live Website von den gezeigten Bildern abweicht.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Virtual Entity. From the start I was impressed with how quick and responsive the team was. Communication was easy and also very proactive, often suggesting optimizations. What I appreciated most was their speed of delivery. They were able to deliver to our specifications in a timely manner without sacrificing quality. Speaking of quality, their work was excellent. They tackled complicated technical features with ease, and the feedback from both our internal team and our customers has been overwhelmingly positive. In particular, the content hub they created for us, connecting multiple CMSs to make them searchable for our clients, was well received.



Search Experience Manager

Kundenlogos der Virtual Entity Academy

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