Emotions, scroll animations, and HubSpot integration for maximum conversions




3 Months

Kick-Off bis Launch




Aktuelle Finanzierung

About Lovelifepassport and the challenges with the old website

Lovelifepassport is the place to build or scale your own online business. Starting with the idea, the team led by founders Anika and Tayler will accompany you to the finished online business and help their customers get out off the 9-5 hamster wheel. With +500 reviews on ProvenExpert and +200 reviews on Trustpilot, it's clear that the team is delivering results that are impressive.

The problem: despite the outstanding coaching products, the website lags far behind them. Complicated content management results in outdated content and errors, as well as bugs that affect the trust of new potential customers. Specific challenges before the collaboration were:

  • Lack of scalability of the website due to an outdated CMS (WordPress)
  • Complicated content management makes website maintenance almost impossible
  • This results in outdated content and errors on the page
  • low page speed due to lack of best practices
  • outdated design that no longer fits the CI
  • low SEO reach
  • flawed conversions

For these reasons, the website was further neglected and increasingly relied on external landing pages for funnels.

The new website as a hub

The new website is intended to be the new hub of Lovelifepassport activities and services. While external landing pages will continue to be used for various products, the new main page should build trust and market the flagship program, the “Inner Circle”, as blatantly as it really is. Sophisticated menu navigation should also present the entire LLP universe in an understandable way and make it accessible to new users.

In order to achieve these goals, the collaboration starts with a discovery workshop in which brand and messaging are specified and the new website architecture is defined. This workshop and the associated style guide then serve as a basis for all further phases, such as web design and final development in Webflow.

Client-First CSS
Custom Code
Design System
Special Navbar

The live website with smooth animations and a strong funnel

The final result is really impressive. Emotions that address the situation of potential customers, paired with smooth on-scroll animations, convey a deep understanding of the target group and pick up new users where they are in their journey. The native integration of Webflow forms with the internal CRM HubSpot results in seamless collaboration between website and CRM and ensures maximum traceability and reduced effort in the sales process.

Live Website anschauen
Websites werden weiterentwickelt. Es kann also sein, dass die live Website von den gezeigten Bildern abweicht.

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